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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Health and Wellness

I have had a hectic couple of weeks.  We had the move at work going on last week and all the build-up to that and then all the settling-in after the fact. 

The boys both caught colds.  It was the usual September-back-to-school-someone-gets-sick-and-everyone-gets-sick thing.  Matt was out of work on Monday because he felt so bad.

This week Eric has been sick.  He had inner ear troubles that necessitated my driving to Binghamton from Rochester (a 3 hour drive), picking him up and then driving him back home again (3 more hours) to get to a Doctor’s appointment.  Six hours of non-stop driving was stressful and exhausting for me.  I am not as fond of driving as I used to be.  I was always more of a “cruising” type of driver – not so much a long-distance driver.  I would not make a good trucker.

Then there was the worry over Eric and what is going on with his ear.  He left his big rig at a truck stop in Binghamton, and he’s been home since Monday afternoon.  The Doctor diagnosed Labyrinthitis.  According to, “Labyrinthitis is an ear disorder that involves irritation and swelling (inflammation) of the inner ear.”  So until the dizziness goes away, he’s home.  We are hoping and praying that it is indeed something viral and it goes away soon.

On the way to Binghamton, just outside Syracuse, I got behind a Sargento Cheese truck.  I love swiss cheese!  I took a quick photo when traffic slowed to a crawl near one of the construction areas.  There was a LOT of construction on Route 81.  I would make good progress, and then all of a sudden traffic stopped and crawled along.

On our way back from Binghamton, we saw these two trolley-type cars on a flat-bed truck at one of the rest areas.  Matt says they are light rail cars either going to/from Boston.  They were neat.

We also saw the beginnings of the fall colors in the Southern tier.  This shot was near Avoca, New York.

Here’s praying for health and wellness at our house (and at yours).  Get well soon, honey.


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