I worked
steadily for 33 years, advancing along through the secretarial ranks. I did run into a few places (Kodak) that
wouldn’t even let me apply because I did not have a degree. [In hindsight, given what’s happened to
Kodak, it’s just as well I didn’t get in there!] In the summer of 2010, while I
was working for a small start-up company, I realized I would soon be out of a
job (they were out of money). I began to
scramble for other options. I decided as
long as I was on unemployment, I would enroll at Bryant and Stratton College in one of
their online degree programs.

Today, I attend
school part-time and work full-time. It
will take longer to get my degree at this pace, but that’s okay. I have a 4.0 GPA and will graduate by
December, 2013. I am pursuing a degree in Interactive Media Design (web
design). It’s a difficult program, but it’s also very interesting and
I often get
the impression that my (much) younger classmates (and sometimes the teachers,
too!) think I’m crazy, but this is something that I am doing just for me, and I
love it.
SOURCES: http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=98
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